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  • mieke9902

Lead with dedication

You can make a lengthy list of important qualities present in a good leader’s life. What are the top 10, or the top 5? It may differ from person to person and even from workplace to workplace. Dedication or commitment will always be and remain one of the top characteristics of a leader. You won’t get anywhere or be a successful leader if you’re not dedicated.

Nehemiah knew one thing: the wall must be rebuilt. The wall must be repaired. The ruined wall broke his heart and spurred him into action. It was his passion and had to be done with dedication. The helpers had to buy into his dream and work on it with absolute focused and purposeful dedication. That’s exactly what happened. The ‘spectators’, who included enemies, couldn’t believe what they were seeing. How is this possible? How did they succeed? Well, the answer is actually very simple: a passionate leader who motivates his team where everyone works hard and with dedication towards one collective objective.

In Nehemiah 6 verse 16 (NIV) you read the following:

When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realised that this work had been done with the help of our God.

The breathtaking result of dedication fuelled by a passionate leader.

What is required in such a building exercise – for such a healing process?

  • Have a common objective which excites everyone – a goal that’ll fire up people.

  • Don’t allow any room for fear. Yes, there’ll always be “what if” questions. That’s a given, but no scope for fear.

  • Keep on praying and unite as one – everyone’s eyes on the collective objective.

  • Persevere and forge ahead. Plan and build with dedication. Yes, continue to never stop. You may even be ridiculed. Make it a chunk of motivation in the process.

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