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If at all you find yourself in a leadership position, you have a huge responsibility to realise that your organisation’s success doesn’t just depend on your role or title. Title-awareness will not give your organisation forward momentum. The people WITH you in your organisation – together you’ll take the organisation forward.

There’s nothing wrong with a title. It happens in life. Many people have titles, positions, and find themselves in important leadership roles. It’s how you view, manage and live it that’ll ultimately make the difference.

A great many leaders nowadays are deeply aware of their titles. Oh, they’ve desired and pursued that title their whole life. They dreamt of the title. Some would even step on others to get to the top, and now you’re above everyone. You have the title and you’re at the top. The rest is under you. Your narcissistic dream has now come true… if you approach and think about it like this.

Even if this was your slightest thought or aspiration, I have very bad news for you. That attitude is visible in your deeds and conduct. It happens involuntary. Your heart shows in your actions. It’s not pleasant working ‘under’ you. This is when people start looking for other work, and organisations lose some of their absolute best people.

Secondly, and more bad news: This is incredibly poor leadership! Jesus, the King of all kings, the only Savior, the Peacemaker and also the Christ, regarded Himself as a servant. Read it in Philippians 2 verses 6 and 7:

Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness – NIV

There you have it titled person, put it your pipe and smoke it. Think deeply again about your selfish desires and needs. And think deeply about the good or bad example you are of Jesus-leadership.

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