For many people, leadership means being the "boss", leading the way (even if nobody is following), being heard and seen, and making your mark wherever you go. You want and need to impress people by showing them you can and may to do anything. You also know everything and can be everything to everyone at any time, and you have all the answers to everyone's questions.
A simple question: how does this compare to the leadership that Jesus demonstrated here on earth? How does this compare to the hands-and-feet example of Jesus during the time he was on earth? An answer may be completely superfluous for now.
The remarkable leader, Jeremie Kubicek, testifies how he too initially became addicted to accomplishments and the compliments and acceptance he received because of what he did and achieved. A very serious accident changed his life completely, including the way in which he viewed leadership. He needed a near-death experience at age 30 to get rid of his wrong leadership style, and to come to God's heart and the leadership style that He expects of him.
“I began to look at leadership as a vehicle to influence people and have a positive impact on them.”
And no, this focus on others has nothing to do with manipulation or standing on a stage in front of people with or without a microphone. No, it has everything to do with serving others. It has all to do with focusing on other people and not on yourself. Dreams other people have are more important to you than your own. Their life journey becomes your focus. You invest in others to make their dreams come true. It's about their potential and not your ego.
Influence therefore isn’t about making your mark. It’s not about being heard and seen. It’s not about you at all. So, one of the most important tasks of any leader is not to understand how to lead people, but much rather how to influence people. Buy into their dreams. Listen to their hearts first and respond to that. Get yourself out of focus and put them in focus and serve them on their journeys through life. This ultimately is influence and true leadership.
Are you a leader in name and by title, but perhaps with no influence?
Think deeply and adapt.