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Heir and part of the household of God


When one talks about inheritances, one involuntarily thinks of someone who has died. However, the prodigal son in Luke 15 was a son who did not wait for his father to die before taking his inheritance and leaving. Many people become rich - not through hard work, but because of large and wealthy inheritances they receive after their parents die. There are many parents who work themselves to a standstill and putting money away so that their children can inherit wealth one day when they are gone. This is their way of providing security for their children. But did you know that, as a child of God, you’ve inherited from God. This is the most astounding security anyone can have. This is certainly true according to Romans 8:17:

Now if we are children, then we are heirs – heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory. – NIV

To inherit from God far surpasses the value of any earthly inheritance. God makes you part of heaven forever and lets you share in all the blessings that are in heaven. As a child of God, this is all at your disposal. You therefore have status because you’re an heir of God. Also always remember that God is the Source of all good things. God is the Creator God who made heaven and earth. Inheriting from wealthy parents is one thing. However, being an heir of God surpasses everything of value.

No human being is made to be alone. God also created each of us as a social being who needs interaction with other people. That is why we live in a time when there is widespread loneliness, with many people sad and alone. It is also one of the biggest causes of depression nowadays: loneliness and a feeling that you are alone and that no one cares about and loves you. One of the wonderful things about knowing Jesus is that you become part of a new family. Remember when you accept Jesus, God becomes your Father and Jesus your oldest brother. With millions of other believers, you are now part of the household of God. Ephesians 2:19 puts it beautifully:

Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of His household – NIV

In Christ you therefore belong to a household, his family. So, in Christ you have brothers and sisters, and you never have to feel alone and lonely again. However, it’s important to remember that you and I also have a responsibility to make new brothers and sisters feel at home and welcome. The household of God must be a safe, warmhearted and cheerful place – not cold and insensitive.

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