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Lead like Jesus - Part 4


A leader is always someone with influence. This influence isn’t manipulation. Nor is it power and control. It’s easy to be in a leadership position and to see and use it as a rank of power. You can threaten and intimidate your subordinates. What a poor influence is this?!

An influential person is someone who realises that there is a task to complete, but at the same time realises that there are people who must work together as a team to complete the task successfully. So, it’s someone who can influence people because he cares about them. He constantly gives recognition to his team and encourages them. Jesus fought the spiritual battle alongside his disciples and never left them alone. Even during the storm at sea, He was with them on the boat and the one who calmed the storm. He has had such an impact on his followers, and still does today, that they are willing to lay down their lives for Him. Think of a person like Paul who was willing to do anything for Jesus. He was beaten innocently and thrown in jail. However, the influence Jesus had on his life was such that he would do anything for his leader. Edmund Burke says this about influence:

Example is the school of mankind.

A leader is also someone of undisputed character. Without any doubt, a leader is someone who knows and follows Jesus as Leader. Such a person therefore also commands his life according to the Word of God and lives in adherence to biblical principles. A good leader knows the dangers of temptation and avoids it. A good leader knows that there is an enemy who comes to steal and kill and destroy, and sets an example of how to deal with the onslaught of evil in life. A leader who follows the example of Jesus does not do things behind the scenes to satisfy his lusts and urges. Fraud is out of the question, and honesty and truth are the watchwords of a person with character. John Morley said the following about character:

No man can climb out beyond the limitations of his own character.

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